May 9Liked by Emily Fedon

I love this! While I’m not much of a book reader, I have put this same sort of quantitative goal into practice with albums in the past and it really does suck the fun out of it, for lack of a better phrase. It can turn a person off from whichever form of media it is (as it’s happened to me recently), which detracts from the point of the works themselves. Totally agree with your points here.

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thank you!! i'm glad people could identify with/relate to the post. i can 100% see how those album goals would also be really draining (it's kind of like giving yourself homework? instead of letting it be leisurely)

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May 10Liked by Emily Fedon

Yes absolutely! I also think it also largely has to do with the “productivity” mindset our society/generation has come to uphold and the way we were taught how to learn in schools. Definitely a fascinating subject

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I can see that - it's definitely something I've had to try to unlearn a bit

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May 8Liked by Emily Fedon

I follow a “book a week” challenge each year (have never come close to reading 52 books lol) but I agree that the journey with that challenge is much more important than the destination. Each week has a different prompt that helps me read a variety of books, which at the end of the day is more fulfilling than whatever number I get to!

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that’s a cute idea! i like how there’s prompts and such i feel like that makes it more purposeful

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