Along these lines, sometimes I think about media that has much older actors and actresses portray high schools and how it makes it so much easier for lines to be blurred. I don't feel like shying away from tough topics, but also let's keep a healthy/ethical balance in these things.

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I agree! Especially with the flashbacks, it looks normal because they’re both adult actors, but I have to remind myself the girls are 14 so it would look very different

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Mar 30Liked by Emily Fedon

I love this show but it also certainly doesn’t gloss over the power dynamic in which these girls are made to feel responsible for keeping the relationship secret while the older men are significantly more careless

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yes they definitely put a lot of pressure on the girls, especially when they’re forced to keep things a secret. i feel like it’s kinda manipulative to get mad at someone because they might’ve discussed their relationship with a friend

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Mar 29Liked by Emily Fedon

if it makes u feel better the book series addresses some of this a little better… for instance - Aria/Ezra is never endgame and never condoned as he ends up arrested. Unfortunately i really can’t say the same for Spencer’s love interest Wren, who from what i remember was a big one for her in the books since Toby wasn’t a character in later books.

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I didn’t realize the books were so different! I never read them. That’s interesting though how it changed, maybe the tv people thought the added drama would work better on screen? I’ve seen quite a few book-screen adaptations that add more drama for the screen version (and love comparing them).

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